Welcome to Faith Church!
As followers of Jesus Christ, Faith Church gathers to trace out how Jesus, who came full of grace and truth, transforms us to be more like Him. Each week we offer our lives to Him in worship and joyful obedience as we desire to be a community marked by this grace and truth.
We desire to be marked by Grace that provides a warm and loving welcome knowing this is what we have received in Christ. A place where the sinner hears of forgiveness, the brokenhearted are cared for, and the weary can find a place to rest.
We desire to be marked by Truth that points everyone to a deeper and richer life in Christ as we discover God’s way in the Bible. We desire to let the Holy Spirit plant these life giving words about Jesus into our hearts.
We are a community in the making; our desired goal is one of grace and truth, but we recognize we are not there yet. Each day is a new opportunity to learn them both more fully. Each day is a new opportunity to practice them more faithfully.
This is what we desire and would love to have you join us as we seek the God of grace and truth together.
~ Pastor Brian
Sunday Morning
Please join us for worship Sunday mornings at 9:30. These services are an opportunity to pause each week and participate in a thoughtfully prepared time of worship which includes music, prayer, and a Scripture-based message, with the goal that both members and non-members will encounter and experience God in a meaningful way. Our morning services are intended to be a blending of old and new elements. Music can be traditional hymns led by pipe organ, or contemporary praise songs accompanied by a band, or a blend of both.
We work to make the atmosphere friendly to all who enter our doors, people of all ages and all stages of faith. Some of us are demonstrative in worship; some are more reserved. Some people wear jeans and t-shirts, others wear their finest suits. Wear whatever makes you comfortable.
We encourage you to stay after the service, get a cup of coffee, and enjoy connection and conversation with others.
Online Worship
Our services are livestreamed online through Facebook. Past services recordings and other announcements can be found at our Facebook page (link) or YouTube.
During the school year, children ages 3 – 5 years old will be dismissed by the pastor early in the worship service. These children will be directed downstairs for Kids of the Kingdom, a time spent in singing, a Bible story, a snack and games.
Sunday School is offered during the school year for youth in K – 12th grades from 10:45-11:30.
Find more information about our children's programming HERE and our youth programming HERE.
Nursery is available for kids ages 0-3 during each service.