Faith's History
It all started with a few families from Calvary Christian Reformed Church acting on a vision of starting a daughter church. They began meeting in the summer of 1968 at Pella Christian Grade School. People from other congregations soon joined in with this emerging group.
On October 10, 1968, an organizational meeting was held. Faith Christian Reformed Church was the name they chose. Forty-two families were received as members.
In February 1969, God provided the opportunity to purchase property at the corner of 12th and University. This was near the new public high school and many homes were being built in that area.
Groundbreaking for the building was April 8, 1969. Over the next ten months, countless hours of volunteer labor were provided as church members worked alongside the contractors to construct the new building. On February 8, 1970, members worshipped in their new sanctuary, and a dedication service was held on June 21, 1970.
During the first ten years, the membership of Faith grew from 42 families to 114. New families were moving to Pella for employment and newly married couples were joining the young church.
In 1996, Faith CRC was blessed to support the beginning of their own daughter church, Grace Fellowship Christian Reformed Church, as a joint effort with Calvary CRC.
Over the past decades, the council and congregation have made thought-worthy changes to some policies, including in 2008 the change in the selection process of council members from election to a random selection of nominees approved by the council and affirmed by the congregation. Since 2011, women have served the office of deacon and elder for our church. In 2012, children were welcomed to partake in the sacrament of communion upon the discernment of their parents.
2018 marked the 50th anniversary of the Faith Christian Reformed Church. It was celebrated with a Saturday evening meal and a program in which all previous living pastors joined in fellowship that night and Sunday morning worship.
As we proceed into the future with God’s leading, the vision of Faith Church is to live to serve our neighborhood, community, and God’s world with the love of Jesus.